We hope the information below will address most of your questions! Simply click on a section and you'll hop down to that part of the FAQ!
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Can I directly sync with my reference manager?
Can I export to my work to a reference manager?
Step-by-step to import/export from Mendeley, EndNote
How can Sharing & Collaboration help?
What are Public Collections and how can they help?
How can I create and share a Public Collection?
What is Linked Content and how do I find it?
Can I use my institutional access?
Can I get references and citations for a paper?
Can I organize my Collections into “folders” or “categories”?
Can I filter items in a panel or in the graphs?
Where does the data come from? What kinds of materials and subjects are included?
How does the search engine work?
Will ResearchRabbit remain free?
Where will funding come from in the future?
I get a “This field may not be null” error when resetting my password!
Change my login email / username!
Connecting Zotero with ResearchRabbit
Importing from Zotero: the pop-up window for papers:
What is ResearchRabbit?
ResearchRabbit is a research platform that enables you to discover and visualize relevant literature and scholars, create alerts for awesome newly-published papers, share collections with colleagues and the world, and so much more!
We are on a mission to empower researchers with powerful technologies. You can learn more about our mission here: www.rsrchrabbit.substack.com/p/mission
How do I get started in ResearchRabbit?
When you first log in, ResearchRabbit will create a default Collection titled “Untitled Collection” (you can rename this at any time!). To get started, click “Add Papers” and search for a paper you already know and love, or one that would be helpful for your project. Add that paper to your Collection, and ResearchRabbit will start generating recommendations! If your rabbit can’t figure out your interest based on a single paper, try adding a few more to help your rabbit!
As you add more papers, ResearchRabbit better understands your interests and generates better recommendations – it’s like a “Spotify for Papers”! In Spotify, you add songs to a playlist and get personalized recommendations; in ResearchRabbit, you add papers to a collection and get personalized recommendations!
Additionally, based on your Collection, ResearchRabbit will also start monitoring all newly-published papers. If – and only if – your rabbit thinks it’s found something you’ll love, we’ll email those papers to you on Sunday night! If your rabbit didn’t find anything, we don’t email you to help keep your inbox clear!
How can I add a paper?
To add a paper to ResearchRabbit, first, open a Collection. (If you’re logging in for the first time, the default “Untitled Collection” will already be open.) From there, you can add papers by clicking “Add Papers”. The “Add Papers” button allows you to search for papers you already know and love! Once you click “Add Papers”, a pop-up will appear, and you can search for:
Keyword Search allows you to search for papers with a typical keyword search query. To start, select a search engine you’d like to use. You can choose the SemanticScholar search engine for all subject domains, or the PubMed search engine for biomedical researchers. Please note: the search results come from SemanticScholar and PubMed – we are constantly working with them to increase the quality of their results
Paper Title allows you to search for a specific title of a paper you already know. Please note: this is an “exact match” search, so you’ll want to enter the exact characters of the paper
DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier (“DOI”), which is a unique identifier for papers! Enter the DOI and hit “Enter”; if our database has this paper, it’ll be automatically added to your Collection! To find a paper's DOI, try looking around in the article itself. Alternatively, you can copy-paste a reference into this search box: https://doi.crossref.org/simpleTextQuery
Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote BibTex and RIS files can also be uploaded into ResearchRabbit. From your citation manager, you can export batches of papers from your citation manager into a .bib or .ris file. Then, simply upload that .bib or .ris file into ResearchRabbit. For a more detailed step-by-step, please see instructions here: www.researchrabbit.ai/tipsandtricks
Adding papers you discover!
As you explore the research landscape in ResearchRabbit, you might come across a paper that you’d like to add to your Collection! When those come up, simply click “Add to Collection” to add those papers to your Collection!
Zotero integration is now available!
Learn more about it here
How do I get recommendations? How do I customize recommendations further?
By adding a single paper to a Collection, ResearchRabbit will start generating recommendations. You can see the recommendations by clicking on “Similar Work”, “Earlier Work”, and “Later Work”. If ResearchRabbit doesn’t generate any recommendations just yet, it’s because your rabbit hasn’t figured out your interests just yet – try adding more papers!
As you add more papers, ResearchRabbit better understands your interests and generates better recommendations – like a “Spotify for Papers”! In Spotify, you add songs to a playlist and get personalized recommendations; in ResearchRabbit, you add papers to a collection and get personalized recommendations!
Note: you can customize your recommendations however you like! If you want to find recommendations for a specific subset of papers in your Collection, simply multi-select those papers, and Similar/Earlier/Later Work recommendations will appear (if your rabbit has found recommendations!). Additionally, you can also select a single paper from your Collection, and a new panel will appear, as well as the Similar Work button (if your rabbit has found something!).